Helpful Radon News to Keep Your Home Safe and Your Family HealthyDebunking the Top 5 Radon Mitigation Myths
Not many people are aware, but radon gas is all around us. The invisible and odorless gas is naturally formed by radioactive metals like radium breaking down in the rocks and soil. This gas with radioactive properties then seeps out of the ground and into all areas of...
Why Mitigating Radon In Places You Frequent Is Crucial
An airborne element that is both odorless and colorless like oxygen, Radon isn’t really as safe as you’d think. So, how is mitigating radon possible? Now, you may ask if there is a cause for concern breathing in something that you cannot see? While this may be true in...
Lower Radon Level with Proper Ventilation
Having a high radon gas reading at your home does not mean you cannot sell or have it rented. Numerous proven processes can lower radon gas levels, and make your home safe for people to live in. In addition to traditional radon remediation practices, there are a few...
Keeping Schools Safe from Radon
Radon is a colorless and odorless gas that is common in rocky regions or places with high saturation of thorium and radium in the soil. Prolonged exposure to radon gas may lead to lung cancer and other health problems. Usually, radon testing is performed by homeowners...
How Radon Affects Your Pets
Many of us own a dog or cat at home. We treat them as our family and even go extra mile for their welfare. Ensuring your pets stay healthy takes a lot of work: feeding the right diet, providing substantial exercise, and regular veterinary care are just a few of the...
High Radon Level – What You Need to Know
Looking for a new home can be overly exciting, unnerving, and most likely the largest investment you will ever make in your lifetime. Homeowners tend to spend a lot of time inspecting and assessing a house to ensure it fits their lifestyle, budget, and family size. In...
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